Learn How to Make a Passive Income from
Horse Racing
Discover and copy our best
low risk strategy and set
it to run for you on auto
pilot every day.
Can you really make money betting on horses?
The simple answer is yes you really can.
The same as you can make money from trading in stocks and shares or even something as simple as running a part time business from home. What usually determines whether you will succeed or fail in something, is your knowledge and understanding along with your attitude and discipline.
I have a good chance of making money on horse racing because I have the knowledge and understanding, plus I have an excellent attitude and my discipline is good. If I were to start trading stocks and shares today then I would likely fail because I have no knowledge or understanding.
I don't know what your level of knowledge and understanding is at present but at this point it really doesn't matter so don't worry, although I am going to assume that it is at a low or zero level just to cover everyone who is reading this. If you do have a lot more knowledge of the sport then all well and good.
The reason why I have chosen this particular strategy today to get you started is because it is something very simple that you can follow, step by step and then do again and again every day.
This means that you do not need to have the knowledge or understanding of horse racing, because I am going to give you all of the knowledge and understanding that you will need to get started and be successful. And you still won't need to know everything about horse racing to make this work for you.
The one thing you will need to bring that I cannot give you is your attitude and discipline to follow what I am giving you.
Probably the most important question you have I imagine!
Taking the results we have seen already, starting from the beginning of January 2020, staking just £5 on each bet, would have given you an average passive monthly income of £240, starting with a £300 bank of money set aside just for this project. I suppose that £240 a month may not sound like 'Wow!' or 'Amazing!', but this is a betting strategy that works slowly but consistently and continues to make long term gains.
Honestly, I want you to have realistic expectations of what can be gained from this and yes of course if you can make £200 then you can make £500 or £1,000 but I want to show you how to have respect for your money and to learn that the very best way to start is to aim low and then grow your winnings progressively.
Plus, I wouldn't be knocking an extra £240 a month, bearing in mind you can set the bets up in ten to fifteen minutes or so each day and set them to run on auto pilot, leaving you free to go to work, or do whatever you need to do.
This strategy consistently takes a few profitable steps forward, then a few back, as there will always be losing bets of course, but it has always headed back up in the right direction, providing you with your winnings or your passive income.
At the time of writing we have an 18% ROI, (return on interest), which means that for every £100 you would have spent on betting, you will have received £18 back in profits. You would struggle to even get 3% with the high street banks at the moment and that doesn't look like changing any time soon, so think hard about 'investing' in this strategy if you wish to increase your income.
With a high strike rate of winning bets, we know that we have the odds on our side and this little strategy, performs beautifully, time after time. You just have to trust the process, place your bets each day, accept there will be losers and losing days, take the good with the bad and be patient.
You can see the graph below plotting the actual bets and profits from the start of 2020 to midway through 2024. From time to time it dips down from a higher position to a lower one, but has always got back up and hit even higher and higher points as time has progressed.
As you can see, the total profit made in this period totals just under £13,000 and as I said before, this was just from starting with £300 and staking £5 on each bet. It is probably unlikely that you could have bet on absolutely every selection, just because life often gets in the way sometimes, but you can see just what is possible for you with this strategy.
The more that you are able to start with, the better and the more comfortable you will feel, but I consider £300 a suitable amount to begin with that will allow most people to get started and continue successfully.
Just look at the rewards for those who will stick with this in the long term, accepting the ups and downs that there will always be in racing. This is why those with a good attitude and discipline will be the winners in the long term.
Using a piece of software that I use to help me create my betting strategies, I have shuffled the sequence of results randomly a number of times just to see what happens if you mixed up the order of the selections. This is something I like to do to install more confidence into anything I am looking to place real money on.
As you can see that on the four graphs below, while the ups and downs change on each one, they are all consistent in their trajectory and all end up at the same profit level. Honestly, I did this about twenty times and the results were all very similar.
I am trying to push the conservative side of the staking and profits, aiming to show you how you can make a passive income from racing, with very little effort indeed and without having to use large stakes or make it stressful.
I would consider myself someone who knows a lot about horse racing and betting and have been around the sport all of my adult life, successfully advising people how to make money betting on horse racing online since 2003.
However the fact is that only a very small percentage of people make a living from their betting and with all of my experience and the knowledge that I have gained, that small percentage does not include me!
A lot of that is because I am happy betting at the level that I do and like you I am sure, I want to make money without any stress! Easy money they say, well it doesn't come much easier than this strategy and it's why this is the first thing I tell everyone about, because it is easy to set up, is low risk and profitable.
Another thing I always tell people, is to start at a level that is comfortable for them and when you are happy and are seeing results, by all means increase your staking and aim a little higher if you want to.
The one thing I never say to people is, 'don't get involved in betting, it's a mugs game' and that is because....
If you have your head screwed on and treat betting like you would any other financial activity, then you have an excellent chance of succeeding and making money.
Whether you have placed a hundred bets before in your life or have never ever done so at all, you can succeed starting from today as I am going to teach you how to be just the opposite of a mug punter.
I mean, what do you see in your minds eye when you think of a mug punter?
Probably someone in the bookies all day, not very smart, not particularly bright, a bit of a big mouth possibly? Someone who brags about all the winners that he picks, although it is a long time since anyone saw him go to the counter to pick up any winnings.
A mug punter is just the same as someone could be called a mug investor, or a mug spender buying everything and anything on credit without any thought or reason. You get mugs down the pub, drinking too much, blabbing on about themselves, going home at closing time after spending about £50 or more and with nothing to show for it apart from a headache the next morning.
A mug, is a mug, is a mug and most unfortunately, mug punter is the phrase that people have heard of and link this with horse racing and everyone who is betting in general.
So now imagine the opposite of a mug punter. A punter who likes to ensure he has the best possible chance of winning and does so most often because he has a methodical, strategical approach. I would say someone sensible, who thinks before he acts and has absolutely no intention of throwing away his money or betting recklessly.
This person doesn't want to bet, he wants to 'invest' and knows the chance that he has of winning and losing depends on his attitude and discipline, so he stakes only what he can afford. He has a betting bank set aside that won't leave him or his family up the swanny if things go wrong.
Remember, things can go wrong in all areas of life but we all have choices we can make and making the right choice more often that not is the aim, especially with horse racing.
Get yourself set up correctly from the start and begin at a level that you feel comfortable at, without expecting to retire within a year or less and in just a few short weeks, you really can start to make yourself a regular passive income from horse racing.
where is the catch?
There is no catch and nothing to pay, apart from...
So if you are able to be around when the races are being run, then you can simply place your bets manually online and full details will be given to you on how to do this with just one click of the mouse. If this is not always going to be possible, you will want to automate your bets and make the whole process, really so much simpler.
For this you will want to invest in some form of bet placement software. If you are new to this type of thing, please do not fear the words 'bet placement software', as everything is explained for you on the videos, which you can watch and pause as many times as you need to.
The product that I will recommend is called Fairbot and offers you a 15 day FREE TRIAL first, so you can check that it all works for you first and even then, it really costs just pennies to continue using it going forward. At present, they charge less than £80 for a whole 12 months access and that works out about £1.50 a week.
The product owners are independent to us but it is one of the best around and is the one you will see me demonstrate with on the video.
So just this small investment to get your bets placed for you, freeing yourself up to go to work or whatever other things you have to do each day. Plus it ensures that all bets are placed correctly every day and you have the 15 days to 'try before you buy' as well.
Get a 15 day trial to Fairbot here >>
Important to note
Not every selection will be a bet
Just so that you are aware, all qualifying selections are listed for you each day. However to qualify as an actual bet you will need to ensure that the BSP odds of the horse are between 16 and 34.
The easiest way to do this is by using the Fairbot software and the Fairbot strategy rule which you can download for free. These will ensure that once loaded, only those within the correct price bracket at the off, will be actual bets.
Get a 15 day trial to Fairbot here >>
Download the Fairbot Lay Strategy here >>
Take a look at the video below on how to load the Fairbot strategy and then you can get started today.
To access the selections just login and go to the Betting Systems link on the menu.
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