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Trainers In Handicaps

An average of more than £17,000 yearly profit so far, starting with just £500 each year

July 26th 2024,

This backing system follows a number of trainers who can all make the best of their horses chances when it comes to winning handicap races.

Have you ever really looked into trainer patterns when searching for winners?

Sometimes it can be quite laborious having to research your ideas, cross reference these with which race types you are looking at, then which trainers are winning and making a profit and after a while, you sort of just give up.

Well you don't have to worry about this for the time being because this system has done all of the research for you.

It has found the race types that you need to follow, the list of trainers to use and the rules. 

It all adds up to a very nice Profit with a capital P!  

Take your time to read all of this and carefully take in all the bets and the stats for this backing system.

Okay, let's get into the details and profits that still astound me every time I see them!

First of all take a look at the overall profit and winning stats to date.
Jan 1st 2018 - Dec 31st 2022, 5 years in total.

The highlights:

  • It's made a profit every year since the start of 2018
  • An overall profit to BSP (including less 5% commission on all winning bets), of 1,198.92 pts
  • There has been an overall winning strike rate of nearly 25%
  • A return on investment (ROI%) of 43%. That is a profit of £43 pounds for every £100 placed
  • The average winning Bsp is over 6.0, so around 5/1 or so
  • It has an overall Chi score of nearly 38, where anything over 8 is exceptional
  • It has an actual to expected figure for wins of 1.23 where anything over 1 is a positive
  • It has provided a number of big winning starting prices at 40/1, 33/1, 25/1, 22/1, 20/1 etc.
  • With winning BSP's in the 70's, 60's, 50's, 40,s, 30's and less.
  • And the worst yearly profit was in 2018 when it 'only made' 169 pts 

As you can see on the image above there has been a longest losing streak of just 25 which is a 10% edge to what would be expected given the number of bets and strike rate

If we add that figure into the Actual to Expected % Calculator which is on our system builder itself, we can see that by choosing to double this to 50, which means we are setting our bank up to withstand a loss of 50 bets on the trot, double what we have had so far in almost 5 years, we are going to place 2% of our betting bank on each bet.

(You can read more about this calculator and how it will help you with all of betting systems on this link here >>)

Now lets take a look at the profits made for each separate year when using the percentage staking plan, (recommended), a starting bank of £500 and 2% of the bank on each bet. You can see on the calculator, that means our first stake would be £10.

When using the percentage staking plan you would normally decrease the stakes if your bank goes below your starting balance. However we have it set to not go below the first, or minimum stake. It just means you will never go down to any miniscule bets where it would take an age to recover. 


So 2018 started things off well using the staking plan and 2% stakes, with an overall profit of +£3,758.70
That overall profit includes deducting the £500 starting bank. The lowest point the bank went to from the beginning was £486.99, so a loss of just £13.01 before it took off towards the final profit. 


Now we are really getting somewhere with an overall profit in 2019 of +£9,715.27
This is by starting again from scratch with a new £500 bank. (You have already banked last years profits).

The lowest point the bank went to in 2019 was £490, so just a £10 loss before the profits started rolling in.

That makes a total profit now of £13,473.97

2020 (are you sitting down?)

Wow! This year the system turned the £500 into an astonishing +£28,100.64
Again it started with a new £500 bank which never went below the starting balance after the first bet of the year won at 10/1.

That makes a total profit now of £41,574,61

2021 (a little disappointing - ha ha!)

A little down on last year but who's complaining? Another big profit of  +£26,820.15
A bigger dip at the start in 2021 with a drop in balance down to £351.36, so a slightly slower start but the system certainly picked up again in good fashion.

That makes a total profit now of £68,394.76


Last year gave another handsome profit of  +£18,200.53
Also it gave the highest strike rate so far and the biggest winning BSP of 72.43! 

That makes a total profit to date of £86,595.29

You can prove these results to yourself

If you are a subscriber to Inform Racing you can run the system through the system builder and see for yourself that all of the results and profits shown here are correct.

You can also use the system builder to find any selections every day in a flash, without having to go through all of the race cards manually when you probably don't have the time.

I know what I could charge for a system that has made this amount of money each year. 

I also know that most people have a limt to what they would pay and whilst I could legitimitely charge a four figure sum, I want to get the balance right between being fair to subscribers and making something for my efforts. 

Therefore I have decided to charge two different amounts.
One for current subscribers and the other for non subscribers. 

As this system does not use any of the speed ratings in it's rules, just form factors that are available everywhere, you do not need to be an Inform Racing subscriber, although it would be easier if you are so you can check the results and get any daily selections using the system builder.

So choose one of the options below and you can get started with this system today.

Subscribers click here

The price for subscribers is £75

You just need to login and click the Betting Systems link on the left hand side menu and follow the payment links for this system called 'Trainers In Handicaps'.

After your payment has been made you will receive the system in a zipped folder with instructions on how to save and open the system rules.


Non subscribers click here

The price for non subscribers is £175

After your payment is made you will receive the rules in PDF format.

It is not for me to tell you what to do but you can subscribe for a month for £35, buy the system at the subscribers price and save £65

To subscribe and save £65 click here >>

To buy the system in PDF format for £175 click here >>


All results are from between January 1st 2018 to November 10th 2022
There is no guarantee that results that have happened before will continue to perform in the same way.

Gamble Responsibly 18+ This website is not intended for those under the age of 18 years old. For more information and advice, please visit begambleaware.co.uk

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