18+ This website is not intended for those under the age of 18. For information and advice visit gamcare.co.uk

It would be hard to say you've created the best horse racing betting system ever, but...

..."Could this actually be the best horse racing betting system ever!"

** Runs for just 4 months each year, August to November
** Has an average WINNING BSP of 47.71 ! (that's forty seven point seven one)
** Has made over 1,000 pts profit since 2018 
** Would have made a total of over £576,000

(over half a million), starting with a £500 bank and using just 1% of the bank on each bet! - That is, If you were able to keep up the stakes which ended at over £5,000 on each bet :)

If these sort of profits and stats interest you, then read on for more of a breakdown.

First of all let's admit that firstly, we will unlikely be able to get £5,000 on one horse and secondly, even if we wanted to and if we could, I think most of use would have stopped when the bank had reached £100,000 or £300,000 and jacked in the day job and retired. 

However a system that has an average winning BSP of 46.86, a highest winning BSP of 91.87 and a lowest winning BSP of 21.0 and only needs looking at between August and November does demand a closer look at the very least. 

Let's look at the overall stats, taken from 2018 to 2022

Overall stats 2018 - 2022

All images on the page can be clicked to enlarge if needed.

The image below shows the overall summary stats for between 2018 and 2022. As you can see that over the four years there has been 551 bets, an average of about 110 bets per year and that the profit to £1 or one point is 1,008.82, which includes 5% commission removed from all winning bets. That is an average of more than 200 pts profit in just 4 months each year.

There is also an excellent A/E value of 2.54, looking at the index of actual winners to expected winners where anything over 1 is a positive.

If I am honest I don't think I have seen many system provide an A/E value of over 2.5.

The Results to staking plan, shows the ridiculous but incredible overall profit of nearly £576,000, starting with a £500 bank and betting 1% of the bank on each bet. Note, that the system builder uses the first stake as the minimum bet, so if the bank drops below the starting amount, you will continue to use that stake until you are back in profit.

Losing runs.

So the profits are phenomenal but the biggest downside would probably be the longest losing streak of 108 losers on the trot. It isn't something we would want but to be fair, if you have yourself set up from the start knowing this is possible, then you can at least plan for the worst. 

Inform Racing subscribers can download a free longest losing run calculator that will work out the best staking depending on the bets, strike rate and longest losing run of any system, which sets you up correctly from the beginning to cope with any number of losing runs. (Subscribers can follow the Downloads link when logged in.)

The other downside maybe the strike rate of just 6.35% but hey, what do you expect when you are betting at such large odds.

To be honest, I think 6.35% is quite big strike rate for the average winning odds of BSP 47.71, especially when the strike rate for horses winning between 40/1 and 50/1 is only about 1.5%.

The staking plan.

The staking plan we are using is the Percentage staking plan, where you place a set percentage of the bank on every bet. As you can see in the settings on the system builder, we have this set as a £500 starting bank, using 1% of the bank on each bet, so the first stake would have been £10.

Even using level stakes.

Of course you don't have to start with £500, or stake 1% of the bank on each bet.  The superb results that this system has provided will still have given an overall profit to £1 stakes of £1,000, in what is really just 16 months of betting. 

It wouldn't take a mathematician (although I will need to use my calculator), to work out that at just £15 level stakes, you would have made £15,000 thus far. That's £3,000 a year for just 4 months betting, August to November that would certainly have set you up for a nice Christmas!

But what about each year individually?

Of course it is unlikely that anyone would start betting on these selections and continue for four years without stopping, taking some money out or whatever. So now let's see what would happen if you had bet to the staking plan using a new £500 bank each year and 1% stakes, as well as level stakes, in each of the four years.

This would seem far more sensible and something that we could all probably do and achieve.


Here you can see that a profit to 1 point of 87.51 was made, so £87.51 using £1 level stakes. Increase the stakes to £15 and the profit would have been £1,312.65.

Using the suggested staking plan and 1% of the £500 starting bank would have meant a £382.64 profit, (total bank at the end was £882.64, less the £500 we started with). The first stake would have been £5 and worked up to the last stake of £8.92. Either way, its not quite a million, but it is a very decent profit whichever way you look at it.


Now this is the year I would have liked to have started using this system!

Over 450 points to level stakes, or a huge £15,600 profit using the 1% staking plan starting out with just £500. Stakes were still acceptable at just over £163 on the last bet and as I closed this system on the final day of November, I would have been immediately searching online for 'Winter breaks in the Caribbean' , whilst cracking open a cold beer!

And remember, all of the results include 5% commission taken from all winning BSP bets, so if you are paying less commission, you could have won even more. You can change the commission settings on the system builder from between 1% and 5% or none at all.


Another superb year!

Very similar overall profits to level stakes and percentage staking plan in 2020 as in 219. I mean, over 470 points in just four months is something you would be delighted with in a year or even two. 

With another £14,000 or so to add to to the two previous years would leave us with over £30k in the bank, just starting out each time with a £500 bank.

You can also see that in this year as well as in 2019, the A/E actuallly increased from the average, along with the strike rates, both around 10%, whilst the longest losing runs were reduced dramatically. 

Maybe another dream vacation to the Maldives this Winter, paid for in just 4 months of betting :) 


Back down to earth with a gentle yet comfortable little bump and a profit overall but not quite what we had been getting used to. All of the stats are still very positive and hey, a 44 point profit to level stakes or an extra £132 pound in the bank just for placing 97 bets over a four month period, can't be sniffed at.

It would have been worth it just for backing the big 40/1 winner at BSP 70.0!


Not a great year unfortunately, with 2022 providing a losing year with either -48.65 pts using £1 stakes, or a bigger loss og £243 if you had stuck to the staking plan. To be fair if you had been using this system for the previous few years you would still have a very nice profit to show for your efforts. 

Plus 2023 will be here soon and who knows what will happen then?

Regarding the rules.

There are 12 rules for this system and some require the Inform Racing data, so it is not really possible to work through them each day to find any selections. In any case you can just load the rules into the Inform Racing system builder and get any potential selections each day in a flash.

One rule previously used between 2018 and 2022 was that the horse must be within the BSP rank order of between 5th and 9th favourite. Without this rule is is far simpler to make sure any qualifiers are actual bets and overall the profits changed very little, so for 2023 this rule has been removed.

So is this the best ever horse racing betting system ever?

In all fairness, it certainly isn't the worst system you will ever see.

The profits made from just 20 months of betting over the last 5 years are certainly something to get excited about. As are the prices of some of those winners. Who wouldn't want the chance to back one or two at BSP 70.0, 80.0, or even 90.0!

If you end up winning £15,000 one year or more, it would cover a lot of losing years that's for sure.

I think you'll need a bit of luck with this system but if things do fall for you in just one year - and don't forget you can use this next year, the year after that and so on, then you will certainly be set to make money over the long term.

In fact, the next couple of years may prove to be average, they maybe even lose a little, but the knowledge that it recently made around £15,000 two years on the trot, has to make it worth giving this one a good go.

Who knows what will happen, but the chance of turning £500 into over £15,000, or maybe even more, in just four months is quite something. Maybe this year will be the best year yet!

Are you prepared to take a gamble, knowing that it is a system that only needs following for four months every year, it is something you can set yourself up with correctly from the start using our free calculators and maybe just pocket yourself £15K or more by the end of November?

Remember, all results shown can be checked and verified

When you have the system you can run all results through the system builder and verify everything I am showing here. 

As I said before there are 13 rules for this system and apart from the four highlighted already, I think all other rules can be found fairly simply on most race cards that are provided on line.

But again, having a subscription to Inform Racing and using the system builder you can get all declarations for this or any other system, in a matter of seconds.

So are you going to take the plunge and give this one a go?

** Runs for just 4 months each year, August to November
** Has an average WINNING BSP of 47.71 ! (that's forty seven point seven one)
** Has made over 1,000 pts profit since 2018 
** Would have made a total of over £576,000

(over half a million), starting with a £500 bank and using just 1% of the bank on each bet! - That is, If you were able to keep up the stakes which ended at over £5,000 on each bet :)

 You understand that there are no guarantees that what has happened before will happen again and the risk taken by using this system is completely down to you the user. There are no refunds made on this system once purchased.

Cost for current subscribers: £20

Just login and hit the Betting Systems link on the Noticeboard menu.

Cost for non subscribers: £65

Or sign up to Inform Racing for a minimum 

period of 1 month @ £35, pay £20 for the system and save £10 

Please note that if there is any sort of decent profit in 2023, this system will at least treble in price for next year.

Once signed up and logged in, follow the Betting Systems link to buy your copy of the system.

By clicking the link above, you are agreeing with our terms and conditions.

Don't forget that this system can be used every year, so the 

cost is for all time use, not just the once. 

A subscription to Inform Racing will also give you access to our unique speed ratings race cards each day, the System Builder to run, check, create and find selections for all of your systems, as well as the Betting Tissue Tool

 You understand that there are no guarantees that what has happened before will happen again and the risk taken by using this system is completely down to you the user. There are no refunds made on this system once purchased.

Gamble Responsibly 18+ This website is not intended for those under the age of 18 years old. For more information and advice, please visit begambleaware.co.uk

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