Category Archives for "Additions"

5 New Free and Profitable Systems for Subscribers

All subscribers to Inform Racing receive a free bundle of betting systems, to get them started on the road to success and profits.There were 50 free systems in total, 35 backing systems and 15 lay systems and you can read more about these here.Today I have added 4 more backing systems and 1 laying system.An […]

Betting Systems for Subscribers

All subscribers to Inform Racing receive a free bundle of betting systems, to get them started on the road to success and profits.Currently there are 50 free systems in total, 35 backing systems and 15 lay systems and these will be added to over time when we come across other profitable ideas that we can […]

System Builder Additions

We have made some additions to the system builder in the last few weeks, including a new feature that will help those who like to trade in running.First of all we have tidied up the drop down list of rules that can be used, by dividing the ‘Horse’ group into three.We now have the general […]