Category Archives for "Blog"

5 New Free and Profitable Systems for Subscribers

All subscribers to Inform Racing receive a free bundle of betting systems, to get them started on the road to success and profits.There were 50 free systems in total, 35 backing systems and 15 lay systems and you can read more about these here.Today I have added 4 more backing systems and 1 laying system.An […]

Betting Systems for Subscribers

All subscribers to Inform Racing receive a free bundle of betting systems, to get them started on the road to success and profits.Currently there are 50 free systems in total, 35 backing systems and 15 lay systems and these will be added to over time when we come across other profitable ideas that we can […]

How To Make Money When Backing Favourites

I was looking at the stats regarding the favourites recently and as you will probably be aware, they generally win about 35% of all races.This figure has increased over the past few years, probably down to how accurate the odds have become on the betting exchanges and predominantly Betfair.I say accurate, but of course this […]

The A/E Statistic In Horse Racing

The A/E statistic in horse racing is also known as the Actual vs. Expected ratio. It is a measure commonly used to assess the profitability of betting selections.This statistic helps bettors and analysts evaluate how well a particular set of criteria or factors predicts the actual outcomes of horse races.The formula for A/E is quite […]

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